On my way home from work the other day, i stopped by a little farm stand selling strawberries and ended up bringing a basket full home..so i decided to make a strawberry shortcake recipe i found in
Tartine, which turned out to be quite delicious. Throw in my new addiction to Picassa (thanks to Jessica) and i've got a fun collage to show off this simply lovely, old-fashioned dessert. Without forgetting the hand whipped cream to top it off of course. I couldn't even remember the last time i had this, so it was a welcome treat for me and the boys, as well as the javabean crew whom i shared it with the next day..take a peek at the Tartine Bakery Cookbook if you are not already familiar..it is an array of exquisite, yet simple dessert creations (plus a few savory recipes but mostly sweets). Not to mention the beautiful pictures and the
full of praise forward written by Alice Waters.