Summertime..and the living IS easy..a true statement for what my life is like right now living in the south..i've had some days off in a row from work, which gave me a chance to get back into the kitchen a bit and cook up some yummy foods like Soup Au Pistou & summer veggie frittata..and lest we forget the all time favorite and household staple-chocolate chip cookies..i had a little Fluer de Sel leftover from Sweets & Meats Market We also had a serious abundance of cucumbers from our garden share so i decided to try my hand at pickling..they're resting in the fridge for a spell so we'll see how they turn out in about 10 days! i can't wait..
These delectable tiny cocktails are a recipe i found in Fine Cooking, consisting of limoncello, gin, muddled grilled thyme and lime juice..served over ice..they would be even more wonderful with a touch of simple syrup added..but with both the gin and limoncello, it could get ugly if much more than one is consumed...but they sure are delicious and an excellent addition to a dinner party or a relaxing evening at the dads while soaking in the ocean breeze... :)